Chinese cars
  1. Chinese cars
  2. SAIC
  3. SAIC Maxus D90 Pro
  4. Photos
SAIC D90 Pro
  • Engines: 2.0T 218 hp, 2T 163 hp, 2.0T 163 hp, 2T 218 hp
  • Gearbox: Automatic
  • Drive mode: FWD, 4WD
Price in China: 179.800 - 309.800 yuans ($24.450 - $42.130)
Year: 2022

Compare Maxus D90 Pro and Wey Lanshan DHT-PHEV

Move left the ring with the arrows to view the photos of Wey Lanshan DHT-PHEV(2023), and move it right to view the Maxus D90 Pro photos.


SAIC Maxus D90 Pro Wey Lanshan DHT-PHEV
Common features
Traction rear wheel drive, four wheel drive front wheel drive/four wheel drive
Engine type 20L4E E15BE
Cylinders / Valves 4/16 4/16
Displacement, cm3 1995 1499
Power net, hp 218 154+177154+476
Torque, Nm 350 223+300223+710
Driving range, km   153180
Battery pack, KWH   3644
Body style off-roader/SUV crossover
Doors / Places 5/5-7 5/6
Length 5005 5156
Width 1932 1980
Height 1875 1805
