Chinese cars
  1. Chinese cars
  2. Geely Galaxy
  3. Geely Galaxy L7
  4. Photos

  • Engine: 1.5T 163 hp + Electric motor 107 kw
  • Gearbox: DHT
  • Driving mileage: 43 km, 90 km
Price in China: 138.700 - 185.700 yuans ($19.140 - $25.630)
Year: 2023

Compare Geely Galaxy L7 and Exeed RX C-DM

Move left the ring with the arrows to view the photos of Exeed RX C-DM(2024), and move it right to view the Geely Galaxy L7 photos.


Geely Galaxy L7 Exeed RX C-DM
Common features
Traction front wheel drive front wheel drive
Engine type BHE15-BFZ SQRH4J15
Cylinders / Valves 4/16 4/16
Displacement, cm3 1499 1499
Power net, hp 163 + 145 156+224
Torque, Nm 255 + 338 230+390
Driving range, km 43-90 98-195
Max speed, km/h 185 180
Fuel capacity 60 70
Battery pack, KWH 9-18 19-36
Body style crossover crossover
Doors / Places 5/5 5/5
Length 4700 4781
Width 1905 1920
Height 1685 1671
