Chinese cars
  1. Chinese cars
  2. Geely
  3. Geely Emgrand 7
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  5. Тест-драйв Geely Emgrand EC-7
Electric version: Emgrand EV
Geely Emgrand EV
Sedan Geely Emgrand EC7 and hatchback Geely Emgrand EC7-RV
Also called: Geely Emgrand 7, Geely Imperial (in Egypt), Geely Emgrand (in Colombia)
  • Engine: 1.5L 109 hp
  • Gearbox: CVT, Manual

Price in China: 69.800 - 98.800 yuans ($9.630 - $13.630)
Year: 2017

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Тест-драйв Geely Emgrand EC-7

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