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  3. Changan CS55
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Compare Changan CS55 and Changan UNI-V iDD

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Changan CS55 Changan UNI-V iDD
Common features
Traction front wheel drive front wheel drive
Engine type JL476ZQCD JL473ZQ6
Cylinders / Valves 4/16  
Displacement, cm3 1499 1494
Power net, hp 156(5500) 170+170
Torque, Nm 225(2000-4000) 255+330
Driving range, km   100
Max speed, km/h   215
Fuel capacity 58 45
Body style crossover crossover
Doors / Places 5/5 5/5
Length 4500 4680
Width 1855 1838
Height 1690 1435
Standard tires 225/60 R17  
